Sleep Surgery

Sleep Surgery as OSA treatment

Patients who are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and struggling with the standard treatment continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, sleep surgery can be an excellent option. 

Different kinds of sleep surgery

Sleep surgery can be offered to children or adults. Children mostly receive an adenotonsillectomy to cure their apneas. Adults can be treated with anatomy altering surgeries of the pharyngeal airway or new techniques such as neurostimulation / Neuromodulation of the upper airway. 

passion to surgery

All surgeons of the European School of Sleep Surgery have been practicing in their fields for  with passion for many years. 

We offer in our courses many trainings on different topics:

  • choose the right patient for a treatment
  • different surgical skills from anatomy altering pharyngeal surgery up to new innovative techniques such as hypoglossal nerve stimulation
  • to handle different complications and patients afterwards